Ultra4 – the unmodified, off the shelf, manufacturers class of Side by Side racers. Big fields, close racing. You can buy brand new and go racing. This group of racers has complete beginners and seasoned veterans racing. Some have had illustrious careers in motor cross. Some racers have come straight our of KiwiTruck racing. This is maximum attack and great to watch. ORANZ Class U – all specifications are as per ORANZ rulebook.

Please Note: Mixed Classes will be handicapped during Heat races to provide close final laps between differing Classes in Group. Group make-up may be adjusted on the day to maintain racer numbers on the track.

#U72  Name: Scott Mitchell.
Offroad Sponsors: Doctor B Signage, Workshop Graphics, Motorex NZ, Racer Products

 Counties Manukau Offroad Racing Club




#U32  Name: Neil Coutts.
Offroad Racing Highlights: Offroad Racing Rookie


 Counties Manukau Offroad Racing Club








#U18  Name: Cam Paton.
Offroad Sponsors: Paton Civil Ltd, Rainstorm NZ


 Counties Manukau Offroad Racing Club




#U07  Name: Wayne Spicer.
Offroad Sponsors: Wayne Spicer Contractors.

 Whangarei Offroad Racing Club





#U31  Name: Shane McWatt.
Offroad Sponsors: McWatt Group.

 Counties Manukau Offroad Racing Club